Book development strategy
What I do
Develop illustrated non-fiction books including creating and pitching proposals, hiring and directing creatives, and editing copy.
Case study: A visit to every ballpark in history
Any project you dream up yourself and get to lead will always be near and dear to your heart, but this is my favorite book that I’ve ever made (out of more than 100 in my career). In creating this book through the book packaging company I own and operate, Green Tiger Books, I wore multiple hats, including editorial director, accounts manager, and photo researcher —a role in which I found and licensed hundreds of photos from more than 42 sources. In terms of content strategy, I made the decision to present the parks by city, as well as to elevate former Negro League parks to “Major League” status (before the MLB took this step). I then hired a Black Negro Leagues researcher to vet the book as as whole. I also had a key creative idea that added a lot of value for a small cost: including a pull-out checklist of stadiums to visit. Now in its 7th printing, Ballparks often holds spots on multiple bestseller lists on Amazon, where it has received more than 450 five-star reviews.
→ See more of my book projects
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